Based on the eponymous novella by Turgenev, the film follows the narrator, a young Russian man traveling in Germany. He meets his compatriots, Gagin and his sister Asya. The narrator and Asya fall in love, but will he take the next step
安娜贝拉·莎拉,瑞贝卡·德·莫妮,马特·麦考伊,埃涅·赫德森,朱丽安·摩尔,玛德琳·奇玛,约翰·德·兰西,凯文·斯库森,米切尔·劳伦斯,Justin Zaremby,Eric Melander,Jennifer Melander,Ashley Melander,Cliff Lenz,Penny LeGate,Mary Anne Owen,Therese Tinling,Todd Jamieson,Laura Ferri,Dee Dee Van Zyl